Copyright: H. Jansen op de Haar 1998, 1999
| content | introduction | rules | compulsories | formats | procedures |
To describe the position of the kite(s) a system of co-ordinates will be used. One assumes the kite is flying on the surface of a quarter spere, with it's center at the flyer's standing point. The position of the kite is given in degrees (angles). Straight forward (in the downwind direction) is defined as 0 (zero) degrees; to the maximum right, perpendicular to the wind as 90 degrees right (90>), the same to the left as 90 degrees left (90<). Straight above the flyer as 90 degrees up (90^). The position of the kite can always be given by two numbers, followed by direction-signs. (see also top and side view in the Overview-drawing).
A straight horizontal line is defined as a flying a line of which the height ("up" position, f.i. 30^) does not change. A straight vertical line as one of which the "side" direction does not change (f.i. 45>) {this means all vertical lines have one point in common: the point straight above the flyer!}
In order to translate the 3D positioning into a 2D grid the following steps have been taken (see also on the "Overview" drawing the "unfolded" part, and also the "Grid" drawing):
horizontal lines are drawn of which the relative lengths are the same as the lengths of the actual flying paths at different heights.
The center vertical line gives the actual lenght of the vertical flying path at center window (so NOT the actual height above the ground!) Other verticals are (and have to be) drawn as curves.
[most people will be familiar with world maps on which often the same system is used.]
On the final compulsory grid only lines at 15 degrees intervals are drawn, and lines outside 60>; 60< and 60^ are ommited.
In the descriptions of the compulsories this notation will be used to give the position of the kite. Lengths of flying paths as well as f.i. the radius of circles can also be given in angles (instead of f.i. in meters; see "size") This will be done by giving a number followed by a degree-symbol (°) f.i. 15° Since it is not easy to visualize a length in degrees, this will be done only if no other method can be used.
With the given methods of describing and drawing the compulsory figures
the size of the actually flown figure is depending of line-lenght, but the position
the kite is in are the same for different line lenghts.
So if f.i. a description says the kite should turn at 30>,15^
this is the same for everybody.
{this also means walking sideways while flying a figure
to enlarge the wind-window is of no use,
because description and diagram will specify a certain angle the lines have to make
with the wind-direction, not a specific wind-window size!
It demands that if in a figure the kite should be at 45> the lines have to make
an angle of 45° with the direction of the wind, even if the figure was already
flown "large enough"!}
[the original grid was based on a "plane" at the standing point of the flyer, on which the figure was "projected". This ment that the description and diagram were based on that projection, not on the figure itself. It was more judge/ judging orientated than flyer orientated. This 'new' grid is based on what -or where- the figure actually is flown, and is more flyer-orientated. [ But it of course shares the problem of translating 3D into 2D]